Archivo de la categoría: Cultura

Leslie Fish. Amateur Rebels

Amateur Rebels «“ Leslie Fish

Dm G Am

1. We call ourselves «Blake’s Seven» with pride,

Dm F C

(Ch) Cry confusion, backstabbing, and pluck!

Dm F C

Though Blake has gone and three of us died.

Dm F C Dm

(Ch) Amateur rebels, relying on luck!

2. When we first took the prison-ship o’er, (Ch)

We could have held it if we’d thought more. (Ch)

3. When the guards caught our friends dead-to-rights, (Ch)

We should have cut off their air and their lights. (Ch)

4. When we came on the alien’s dock, (Ch)

We should have promptly sealed up the lock. (Ch)

5. Once we were free in that big Man-of-War, (Ch)

We should have studied that ship a lot more. (Ch)

6. When we came to our foe’s hiding-place, (Ch)

We should have stood off and shelled them from space.(Ch)

7. When to destroy their computer we tried, (Ch)

We should have recalled that government lied. (Ch)

8. When the invaders’ fleet we did find, (Ch)

We should have gone ‘round them and shot from behind.(Ch)

9. When my friend’s arrow was ready to fly, (Ch)

I should have shut up and let Servalan die. (Ch)

10. When that I had my foe on her knees, (Ch)

I gripped her throat — why didn’t I squeeze? (Ch)

11. When I believed that Blake was alive, (Ch)

I should have confided in the other five. (Ch)

12. If he could see the blunders we brave, (Ch)

Che’ Guevara would spin in his grave. (Ch)

13. The question is not: «Where did we go wrong?» (Ch)

The question is how we lasted this long. (Ch)

Elaine Walker. Ad Astra!

Ad Astra! «“ Elaine Walker

«Ad Astra» is our mantra

Ad Astra to the stars!

We’ll tell our children we came from Earth

But we were always wanderers

Our mantra was to the stars

Ad Astra! It’s who we are.

I feel so optimistic!

Earth was all we knew, she’s beautiful

But we needed room to grow, we left the cradle

We headed for the stars

Ad Astra! It’s who we are.

How perilous our infancy

How humble our beginnings

How dangerous our future is

How strong our will has to be.

No ocean is impassable.

Let’s take another giant leap for humankind

To new cosmic islands, we’ll keep traveling

Onward and outward!

I feel so optimistic! We’ll forever say, humans came from Earth.

Elaine Walker. Back To The Moon

Back To The Moon»“ Elaine Walker

I want to go back to the Moon.

I couldn’t get there too soon.

Call me a lunatic, call me a spacey chick.

I want to go to the Moon.

I want to spend my mornings watching the Earth rise.

I want to see the universe from the other side.

And when we’re there, we can go anywhere.

But for now the Moon is on my mind.

I want to go back to the Moon.

I couldn’t get there too soon.

Call me a lunatic, call me a spacey chick.

I want to go to the Moon.