Santa Mierda

Santa Mierda


Thousands of disciples seeking a cure from a so called holy spring said to cure any illness got to the bottom of its miraculous powers - when it gave them all diarrhoea.

The spring - in Shicangxia, Zhejiang province, eastern China - is famed locally for washing away skin blemishes.

But thousands of visitors during China's Moon Festival decided to drink the healing waters instead- only to find themselves stricken with agonising stomach upsets.

"People were queuing all through the night to get to the water but then they started to form another queue - for the public toilets," said one local.

"We warned them not to drink it but they thought we were trying to keep it to ourselves.

"When we drink it we boil it first," they added.Miles de discípulos que buscan una cura de la que llaman fuente sagrada, que dicen que cura cualquier enfermedad, llegaron al fondo de sus poderes milagrosos cuando a todos les dio diarrea.

La primavera – en Shicangxia, provincia de Zhejiang, este de China – es famosa a nivel local por lavar manchas de la piel.


Thousands of disciples seeking a cure from a so called holy spring said to cure any illness got to the bottom of its miraculous powers - when it gave them all diarrhoea.

The spring - in Shicangxia, Zhejiang province, eastern China - is famed locally for washing away skin blemishes.

But thousands of visitors during China's Moon Festival decided to drink the healing waters instead- only to find themselves stricken with agonising stomach upsets.

"People were queuing all through the night to get to the water but then they started to form another queue - for the public toilets," said one local.

"We warned them not to drink it but they thought we were trying to keep it to ourselves.

"When we drink it we boil it first," they added.Pero miles de visitantes durante el Festival Chino de la Luna decidieron beber las aguas curativas, sólo para verse atacados por dolores de vientre.


Thousands of disciples seeking a cure from a so called holy spring said to cure any illness got to the bottom of its miraculous powers - when it gave them all diarrhoea.

The spring - in Shicangxia, Zhejiang province, eastern China - is famed locally for washing away skin blemishes.

But thousands of visitors during China's Moon Festival decided to drink the healing waters instead- only to find themselves stricken with agonising stomach upsets.

"People were queuing all through the night to get to the water but then they started to form another queue - for the public toilets," said one local.

"We warned them not to drink it but they thought we were trying to keep it to ourselves.

"When we drink it we boil it first," they added.«La gente hacía cola durante toda la noche para llegar al agua, pero luego empezaron a formar otra cola – para los servicios públicos», dijo un local. «Les advertimos que no la bebieran, pero ellos pensaban que estábamos tratando de mantenerla para nosotros. Cuando la bebemos primero la hervimos, agregó.**t

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