On Planet X – David Garland and John Zorn
There»™s a room with a window,
and there»™s glass in its frame.
When it»™s clean, I can see that
far away it»™s not the same.
Some of the probes launched into space
are sending back pictures of neighboring planets.
The list of landscapes grows and grows and grows and grows.
There»™s a world based on ammonia,
shrouded in an acrid cloud.
As for me, I»™m based on carbon»”
just another face in the crowd.
On Planet X the rock formations
look like cathedrals gone awry.
On Planet Q flying saucers
are the passé way to fly.
Meanwhile, my apartment»™s tiny,
and the bus is often late.
I»™ll be stuck here for a light-year
if I keep on at this rate.
Planet X holds my heart in its cusp in the dark.
The list of landscapes grows and grows and grows and grows.