La colección de documentos del caso ovni Cash-Landrum

La colección de documentos del caso ovni Cash-Landrum

3 de octubre de 2019

Curtis L. Collins

La siguiente es una lista de documentos importantes, informes, correspondencia, noticias y artículos de revistas relacionados con la investigación del encuentro ovni del 29 de diciembre de 1980 informado por Betty Cash, Colby y Vickie Landrum.

imageCuando es posible, se incluyen enlaces al material alojado en Internet.

A medida que haya nuevos elementos disponibles, esta página se actualizará.

La colección de documentos del caso ovni Cash-Landrum

Who’s Who in the Cash-Landrum UFO Case

Mini Bios of the Witnesses & Key Players:

Vickie Landrum’s initial UFO incident report to NUFORC (the National UFO Reporting Center), from 2/2/1981. The recording of the historic telephone call that launched the investigation.

Vickie Landrum’s UFO report to NUFORC,  Feb. 2, 1981

Betty Cash & Vickie Landrum Tape Recording Made At Parkway Hospital in early February 1981 transcribed and published in The Cash-Landrum UFO Incident by John F. Schuessler

Betty Cash»™s hand written statement for the records of Parkway Hospital, 2/7/81

The First Newspaper article

The Conroe Courier printed the first mainstream press on the case, Cathy Gordon’s 2-part story:

«Two women share terror of mysterious encounter» Feb. 22, 1981

«Investigators eye «˜close encounter»™» Feb. 23, 1981

Photocopies of the articles are located within the PDF of the Texas Department of Health files:

Weekly World News March 24, 1981

(published early to mid March) «3 SURVIVE UFO ATTACK»

Preliminary Cash-Landrum report by John Schuessler and Project VISIT, March 4, 1981

John F. Schuessler»™s report on interviewing the witnesses and visiting the sighting location.

PDF of the original 35-page report to MUFON by John Schuessler and Project VISIT.

Index to the Cash-Landrum Original Case Report

(All by John F. Schuessler, unless noted otherwise.)

1 «“ 2 MUFON form: «UFO Sighting Questionnaire- General Cases (Form 1)» with location, sketches of UFO and event data. Name of Investigator, «John F. Schuessler,» «Witness: Vicky Landrum.» Dated March 3, 1981 («4-3-81»). 2 pages.

3 «“ 13 Cash/Landrum Case «On-Site Investigation Report, Date: 28 Feb 1981,» Interview with Vickie and Colby Landrum. Handwritten, 11 pages. (Page one on VISIT letterhead.)

14 MUFON «UFO Sighting Questionnaire – Computer Input (Form 2)» «Vicky Landrum»(Basic information on location of sighting and witness data).

15 MUFON «UFO Sighting Questionnaire – Computer Input (Form 2)» «Betty Cash.»

16 -23 Report of meeting and interview with Betty Cash dated 22 Feb. 1981. Handwritten, 8 pages. (Page one on VISIT letterhead.)

24 «“ 27 Alan Holt, report of (2/28/81) interview with Vickie and Colby Landrum. Handwritten, 4 pages. (On VISIT letterhead.)

28 Al Holt memo: «Conversation with Bill English,» undated. (English of APRO was the first investigator to speak to Vickie Landrum.) Handwritten, 1 page. (On VISIT letterhead.)

29 «“ 30 Al Holt: «Helicopter Investigation,» 3/10/81. Handwritten, 2 pages. (On VISIT letterhead.)

31 «“ 33 21 Feb. 1981, 1 pm: «Betty Cash called collect from Dayton, TX» (Phone interview: first witness contact.) Typed, 3 pages. (Page one on VISIT letterhead.)

34 «“ 35 1st MUFON Cash-Landrum case contact: 20 February 1981, by phone from reporter Cathy Gordon. «Caller: Kathy Gordon, Conroe Daily Courier…» Typed, 2 pages. (Page one on VISIT letterhead.)

Illustration from the 3/4/81 report.

A Preliminary Report on the Cash/Landrum New Caney CEII Case by Allan Hendry of CUFOS. (Undated, April 1981.) Pages 8-11 of PDF

MUFON Cash-Landrum Case Files (1981 – 1999)

Table of Contents and 9 files, documents totaling 708 pages scanned by MUFON.

Includes case reports, correspondence, legal documents and news clippings.

MUFON UFO Journal Number 158, April 1981

«Radiation Injuries from UFO»

Brief summary of the Project VISIT report written by Richard Hall

Analysis of Betty Cash’s Medical Records, Peter Rank, M.D. letter to John Schuessler

(«complete summary report» of medical data) 4/29/1981 (5 pages). PDF pages 3-7

Injuries from chemical agents? VISIT memo: R. Niemetzow called J. Schuessler 7/5/1981 (1 page) PDF page 1

Dr. R. Leo Sprinkle: Cash-Landrum files and Correspondence

Dr. Sprinkle hypnotized Vickie Landrum in July 1981, then later for a TV program. Files also contain correspondence from Dr. Peter Rank discussing Betty Cash’s medical records and condition.

File 1: (PDF 28 pages)

File 2: (PDF 21 pages)

BERGSTROM Air Force Base Interview Oof Betty Cash, Vickie & Colby Landrum, August 17, 1981 (unpublished until CUFON circa 1994) Lengthy statements by the witnesses discussing case details with Air force officers. First step in legal case.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Legal Counseling VISIT memo: Bill Shead & John Schuessler met with Betty Cash & Vickie Landrum 8/23/1981 (1page) PDF page 2

National Enquirer August 5, 1981

«UFO Terrorizes and Burns Three in Car» PDF pages 19-20. This story documents Vickie Landrum’s first hypnosis session and the surfacing of the detail of the UFOs’ «little blue lights».


John F Schuessler’s first C-L case presentation at the CUFOS Symposium

(as reprinted in UFO Report Winter 1981)

Medical Injuries Resulting from a UFO Encounter/

Texas Department of Health, Bureau of Radiation investigation report by Russ Meyer. Investigated scene Sept 16, 1981.

(Discloses sighting location unknown, medical help refused.)

APRO Bulletin Vo. 29 No. 8 Sept. 1981 Coral Lorenzen, editor

«Burns Follow UFO Incident»

MUFON UFO Journal November 1981

«Cash-Landrum Radiation Case» by John F. Schuessler

MUFON UFO Symposium 1982 (July 2, 3, 4) Toronto, Canada

«Radiation Sickness Caused by UFOs» by John F. Schuessler, M.S.

MUFON UFO Journal January 1983 pg 14,15,1980,Texas.pdf

APRO Bulletin Vol. 30 No. 6 August 1982 Coral Lorenzen, editor

«Rumors Permeate Cash-Landrum Case» by Coral Lorenzen

APRO Bulletin Vo. 30 No. 9 September 1982 Coral Lorenzen, editor

«The Cash Landrum Case Analysis» by Coral E. Lorenzen

The Unexplained Mysteries of Mind, Space and Time,

(UK) Orbis Publishing Limited, Vol 9, Issue 107, 1982.

«Blind Terror in Texas» by John F. Schuessler,Texas,25%20helicopters-2.pdf

DAIG investigation, U.S. Army Inspector General’s Office, Washington, D.C., Report by Lt. Col. George C. Sarran

Includes some handwritten case notes.

John F. Schuessler»™s VISIT 5/9/1982 report on Sarran»™s investigation

(11 pages w/ cover): PDF pages 21-31

Helicopter Witness appears: VISIT Investigator’s Notes Summary: Interview with John Plaster, Huffman Helicopter witness 9/25/1982 (4 pages w/ cover.) PDF pages 32-35

MUFON UFO Journal October 1982 pg. 3

«Pentagon Investigates Cash-Landrum Case» by John F. Schuessler

APRO Bulletin Vo. 30 No. 10 October 1982 Coral Lorenzen, editor

«More on Cash Landrum» by Coral E. Lorenzen

MUFON UFO Journal December 1982 pg 8

«Technical Review of Radiation in Cash-Landrum Case» by Paul Stowe (MUFON Research Specialist in Nuclear Technology)

Followed by comments from Dr. Peter Rank

MUFON UFO Journal September 1983 pg 3

«Cash-Landrum Case Investigation of Helicopter Activity» by John F. Schuessler

Radiation UFO Injuries by Richard C. Niemtzow, M.D.

also published in Flying Saucer Review vol 29, no. 3, 1984

Alleged Medical Injuries from a UFO by Richard C, Niemetzow, M.D.

MUFON UFO Journal November 1983 pg 12

«UFOs and Hot Rings» by James McCampbell

MUFON UFO Journal January 1984 pg 3

«Estimate of the Situation 1984 the (sad?) State of UFOlogy» by John F. Schuessler

discusses APRO»™s criticism, claims of USG UFO

MUFON UFO Journal February 1984 pg 7 15

«UFOS Seen Over East Texas» by John F. Schuessler

(Vickie Landrum provides a tip on another UFO case)

Legal Documents: From the Damage Claims Form to the Attempted Civil Lawsuit

Quest Publication: The Cash-Landrum File: Civil Action No. H84 348

Additional legal documents.

CUFON (Computer UFO Network) also hosts a collection of documents connected to the legal case.

(Note: The Defense conducted an investigation about if the UFO was a US military device. No documents from this investigation have surfaced.)

MUFON UFO Symposium July 1984

«Cash-Landrum Case: Speculation About the Medical Effects» by John F. Schuessler.

Pursuit: Science is the Pursuit of the Unexplained

First Quarter 1985, pg.18-21

«Diamond Fire- A Close Encounter of the Military Kind» by Harry Lebelson,Texas,25%20helicopters-2.pdf

MUFON UFO Symposium Saint Louis, Missouri, June 28, 29 & 30 1985

«The Medical Evidence in UFO Cases» by John F. Schuessler.

«Proof Beyond a Reasonable Doubt» by Peter A. Gersten (link to cover and table of contents only)

MUFON 1986 UFO Symposium

«Cash-Landrum UFO Case File: The Issue of Government Responsibility» by John F. Schuessler.,Texas,25%20helicopters-2.pdf

MUFON UFO Journal June 1986 pg 16

Letter from Steuart Campbell, Response from Betty Cash.

MUFON UFO Journal July 1986 pg 10

«Cash-Landrum Case Hampered» by John F. Schuessler

MUFON UFO Journal October 1986 pg 12

«Cash-Landrum Case Closed?» by John F. Schuessler


«The Medical and Scientific Evidence» by John F. Schuessler

(Sturrock Panel) Physical Evidence Related to UFO Reports:

The Proceedings of a Workshop Held at the Pocantico Conference Center, Tarrytown, New York, September 29 – October 4,1997

The Cash-Landrum UFO Incident

Three Texans Are Injured During an Encounter with a UFO and Military Helicopters

by John F. Schuessler (1998 LaPorte, Texas Geo Graphics Printing Co) out of print

Betty Cash Obituary:

The Anniston Star, Wed. Dec. 30, 1998

UFO Updates 1/3/1999

Peter Gersten’s notice of Betty»™s death, including an obituary written by John Schuessler.

Vickie Landrum Obituary

Big Thicket Messenger, Sept. 23, 2007:

Television Coverage: See this article for a collection of television reports on the case:

If you know of major omissions, please report them to

Blue Blurry Lines: Cash-Landrum Case Updates

C. 2013 Curtis L. Collins

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