Muere John Michell a los 76 años
John F. Michell, prolífico autor forteano, nació en Londres el 6 de febrero de 1933. Murió el 24 de abril a las 12:30 en Poole, Dorset.
Se educó en el Eton College y Trinity College, Cambridge. Trabajó como agente de bienes raíces en Londres. Publicó su primer libro (The Flying Saucer Vision: the Holy Grail Restored) en 1967.
Fue miembro de la Lindisfarne Association y profesor en la School of Sacred Architecture. Autor de 37 libros. Entre sus trabajos más conocidos se encuentran: The Flying Saucer Vision: the Holy Grail Restored, 1967 (traducido al español como Los platillos volantes y los dioses, Editorial Pomaire, 1968 y Javier Vergara Editor, 1977, traducido por Antonio Ribera), The View Over Atlantis, 1969, actualizado como The New View Over Atlantis, 1986, Phenomena: A Book of Wonders 1977 en coautoría con R. J. M. Rickard, con quien también escribiría Living Wonders: Mysteries and
Curiosities of the Animal World, 1982, y Unexplained Phenomena: Mysteries and Curiosities of Science, Folklore and Superstition, 2000, Who Wrote Shakespeare?, 1996.
1967 The Flying Saucer Vision: the Holy Grail Restored
1969 The View Over Atlantis
1972 City of Revelation: On the Proportions and Symbolic Numbers of the Cosmic Temple
1974 The Old Stones of Land»™s End
1975 The Earth Spirit: Its Ways, Shrines, and Mysteries
1977 Phenomena: A Book of Wonders, con Robert J. M. Rickard.
1979 Natural Likeness: Faces and Figures in Nature
1979 Inventorum Natura with Plinius Scundus C.
1981 Ancient Metrology: the Dimensions of Stonehenge and of the Whole World as Therein Symbolized
1982 Living Wonders: Mysteries and Curiosities of the Animal World, con Robert J. M. Rickard.
1982 Megalithomania: Artists, Antiquarians & Archaeologists at the Old Stone Monuments
1983 The New View Over Atlantis
1984 Eccentric Lives and Peculiar Notions
1985 Stonehenge – Its Druids, Custodians, Festival and Future
1988 Geosophy – An Overview of Earth Mysteries, con Paul Devereux, John Steele, John Michell, Nigel Pennick, Martin Brennan, Harry Oldfield, un Mystic Fire Video.
1986 Feng-Shui: The Science of Sacred Landscape in Old China, con Ernest J. Eitel.
1989 The Traveller»™s Key to Sacred England
1989 Secrets of the Stones: New Revelations of Astro-Archaeology and the Mystical Sciences of Antiquity
1989 Earth Spirit: Its Ways, Shrines and Mysteries
1991 Twelve Tribe Nations and the Science of Enchanting the Landscape, con Christine Rhone.
1994 At the Center of the World: Polar Symbolism Discovered in Celtic, Norse and Other Ritualized Landscapes
1996 Who Wrote Shakespeare?
1997 New Light on the Ancient Mystery of Glastonbury
2000 Unexplained Phenomena: Mysteries and Curiosities of Science, Folklore and Superstition, con Robert J. M. Rickard.
2000 The Temple at Jerusalem: A Relevation
2001 The Dimensions of Paradise: The Proportions and Symbolic Numbers of Ancient Cosmology
2001 A Little History of Astro-Archaeology
2003 The Traveler»™s Guide to Sacred England: A Guide to the Legends, Lore and Landscapes of England»™s Sacred Places
2003 Prehistoric Sacred Sites of Cornwall
2005 Esoterická Anglie: pr»™vodce po posvátn»™ch místech, legendách a pov»™stech, con Miloslav Korbelík.
2005 Confessions of a Radical Traditionalist
2006 Prehistoric Sacred Sites of Cornwall
2006 Euphonics: A Poet»™s Dictionary of Sounds
2006 The Lost Science of Measuring the Earth: Discovering the Sacred Geometry of the Ancients, con Robin Heath.
2007 The Star Temple of Avalon, con Nicholas Mann, Philippa Glasson, & Robin Heath.
2008 Dimensions of Paradise, The: Sacred Geometry, Ancient Science and the Heavenly Order on Earth
2008 New Light on the Ancient Mystery of Glastonbury